Netflix 5-Minute Series.

I did a slow clap when I first heard of this. How unbelievably clever. Netflix just endeared themselves to the hearts of parents even more than they already were. Kids are the biggest drivers for subscriptions to streaming services - Plurals (members of the post-Millennial generation) are the Americans most likely to have an SVOD service in their home. 80% do. And of course the vast majority of those are Netflix subscriptions. Parents, especially Millennial parents, love the customized profiles and the walled garden of kids content. It creates a worry-free solution for kids' entertainment. As a result, parents love Netflix and are very loyal (and MVPDs have had to create something similar with their VOD services).

Whether or not they use it, the creation of the 5-minute episodes showed parents Netflix understands them and one of their greatest challenges (getting kids to bed). Netflix is on THEIR side. Oh and what are parents often doing once the kids are in bed? Watching Netflix themselves. So smart.
