Viewing entries tagged
brand strategy

An Unusual Example in Authentic Branding


An Unusual Example in Authentic Branding

The over-the-top nature of the Dos Equis "Most Interesting Man" ad campaign probably doesn't seem to be authentic, but it actually is. 


Women Catapulting Under Armor Ahead


Women Catapulting Under Armor Ahead

With #IwillwhatIwant, Under Armor has crafted a narrative that feels relatable to everyone (who can't relate to crushed dreams and hoping to overcome when the odds are stacked against you) while emphasizing their brand strengths.


Pantene Dad-Dos Campaign Brilliant On Many Levels


Pantene Dad-Dos Campaign Brilliant On Many Levels

The how-to videos would have been a miss if it was just the football dads with their daughters but instead these professional athletes are actually doing their daughter's hair, listening to her preferences and showing every dad out there, "if I can do it, you can do it."


Will Apple Ever Measure Up To Its Own Mighty Measuring Stick?


Will Apple Ever Measure Up To Its Own Mighty Measuring Stick?

The answer is yes. It already is.

In the past year or so Apple has had two rather remarkable, and in my opinion, underrated, campaigns - "Shot on iPhone 6" and the 2015 holiday Apple TV campaign. Both exhibit the subtle creative genius that makes Apple products beloved around the world. 
